Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's been a fast paced couple of weeks here at the Lahash office! There's a lot going on...

First of all, there is a slideshow with images up over at Lahash.net. It contains 20 of the some of the best images, plus descriptions of the photos. Some of you have already seen a slideshow or two from the trip, so I tried to pick some images that were new and wouldn't bore people. You can link over to the slideshow by clicking here.

On Thursday the team did a presentation for a community group here in Portland. We had a great time of eating curry and recollecting all of the stories of the trip. If any of you here in the Northwest, or for that matter around the United States, would like a presentation for your community, let me know. I'm still working on the video, which will be really interesting to show. My friend Tim Bata in Uganda is working on some original music for the documentary.

Nick Kemboi, Dr. Oronje, and the others in Kenya have been working out all of these details for the Renew program. Unfortunately some of their time this last week was spent at a funeral. Many of you heard about the AIDS patient Peter from the blog and/or from the slideshows I've show. On January 10th Peter died from complications in his struggle with HIV/AIDS. Dr. Oronje asked for prayer as he has been attending to Peter for over 3 months now. It was a tough blow.

I've decided to go into Lahash full time now, and part of that is raising personal support each month. I've written a little note to the public explaining what I'll be doing and where the money will be going. You can link to that letter here.

Eric Chapman's been updating his website with new content. He has a whole collection of photos and video, and you can read some of his journals now online.


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