Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I've been working on the website over at You are welcome to visit and peruse the latest content. Really the website is in progress - so ignore the ugly design issues please! There is a huge list of ways that you can get involved, and also a page listing all of the current projects and partners.

And thank you to all of you for the great emails and encouraging words recently! We have found email partners for all of the Renew ladies now, and there have been lots of offers for volunteering and sponsorship. Thank you everyone!

Nick Kemboi has been really busy recently. He has five ladies now involved in the Renew program and we are looking for practical ways that they can give up prostitution and find employment in other occupations. One of the ladies has been so excited about her new life that she asked Nick to visit 3 of her friends. Nick spent an afternoon talking with them and they asked him to take pictures so that people in America could see their life in Kenya. So the picture below is of one of the ladies. These girls are eager to join the program as well. We are trying to take it slow though and make sure the process is feasible and sustainable.


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