Monday, November 14, 2005

Kampala once more...

We are in a small internet cafe overlooking the smokey Kampala skyline. As many of you probably know there is some unrest here as one of the opposition leaders was arrested yesterday. We are on the outskirts of town, and all seems peaceful today, but please pray for peace in the city.

Sudan... was incredible. We left last Wednesday after picking up Erin at the Adjumani Airport. We meandered through the green countryside in a large blue lorry carrying blankets, pots, food, clothes, and about 20 passengers. After a quick ferry ride over the Nile, the team pushed North and crossed into Southern Sudan.

It was encouraging to drive through the Kajo Keji region and see the new houses and hopeful people returning to their lands. It was a stark contrast to the last trip where basically all we say was destruction and burned out homes.

We arrived at St. Bartholomew's at dusk with the children singing. The next couple of days in Sudan were packed. We drove around and met with widows and some members of a leper community. The people were so grateful for the donations. It was amazing what a simple garage sale in the United States could do for so many faces. Destitute destitute people with disease and no family living in rediculous structures were all smiles with a simple gift of a blanket and a cooking pot. It's tough to not become numb when there are so many needs around. But with each thanks and with each handshake it was so worth the trip and the little effort from our end.

Many voices speak of a bleak future for this region. And sometimes it can be easy to slip into this perspective. But traveling with Ezbon and Susan and the team - man - there just isn't words for the hope and love and dedication that they show to others. Sometimes I feel as if I know some of the deepest hearts on the planet. These friends are tirelessly working on bringing assistance and care for their countrymen.


Well, as I was typing, I was trying to bring up some photos for you, we've taken over 1000, but I was defeated by this slow connection - so Karin Poni will have to upload some photos once she arrives back home. Note the frustration. Hmm. This connection is slow. Maybe I can figure out a better solution later. Peace.


Blogger Jo said...

God give you all a fresh love for every face your eyes catch a glimpse of, may you see beauty out of the brokeness, and new life and hope in the struggles of the people and injustices of this planet. God lead you and guide you and give you peace, and allow you to see the work of his presence among his people all over the face of the earth.

7:46 AM  

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