Monday, October 24, 2005

Imago Dei Children's Learning Lab

Yesterday during church the majority of the Africa team went to the two morning services at Imago Dei Community to connect the kids here in Portland with the kids of Amazing Grace Orphanage. It turned out to be a great time - the kids created artwork that we'll be taking with us on our trip, they watched some videos of the orphanage, played some games, and chomped down on some East African donuts called Mandanzis.

The evening before, the team had met together, purchased supplies, ate a meal, and heard Emmanuel Kayinamura's story (my Rwandan friend). Part of that meeting was also creating Mandazis for the kids. We ended up with probably three times the batter that we needed! And the donut things turned out pretty chewy, not exactly scrumptious, but some of the kids asked for seconds, so I guess that's good.

Right now I'm rockin' to the tunes of new Sudanese Rap sensation Emmanuel Jal. If you are interested in world music (particularly arabic and east African tunes), or would like to sample some of the freshest rap sounds I've ever heard, you can head over to Emmanuel's website, or purchase the songs straight from iTunes.

And tonight marks just one week and 6 hours until we fly out. Crazy! Our house is full of trunks right now and we're packing in school supplies, books, Arabic Christian literature, clothes, shoes, hacky sacks, soccer balls, tents, backpacks and whatever else people hand us. We are each taking our full two 70 lbs luggage allotments, so its definitely a massive project at this point. If anyone would like to send anything last minute, you can send it to my parents house at: Dan Holcomb, P.O. Box 442, Trout Lake, WA, 98650.

For those of you who haven't received our itinerary update, here's the scoop:

UGANDA -> Week 1 ::: November 2 - November 8
+ Visit the Amazing Grace Orphanage - teaching, recording stories, listening, playing (
+ Spend time at the World Vision Children of War Rehabilitation Center in Gulu
+ Meet with Jeff and Michele Theisen and Ryan Cannole (Imago Dei friends)

SUDAN -> Week 2 :::: November 8 - November 15
+ Travel to St. Bartholomew Orphanage and spend time with kids and staff there
+ Meet with local church leaders and politicians

KENYA -> Weeks 3 & 4 :::: November 16 - November 28
+ Visit the Kibera slums of Nairobi
+ Spend about a week and a half with the Ukimwi (AIDS) project ( in Eldoret
+ Visit families and orphans affected by AIDS
+ Hold a Harambe (community event) with local leaders to raise awareness
+ Meet with several former sex workers to create a transitory home for support and healing

TANZANIA -> Week 5 :::: November 28 - December 5
+ Meet with Jo French - a good friend who is working with AIDS support (
+ Travel to several homes meeting HIV patients and assisting Jo in her work

RWANDA -> Week 6 :::: December 6 - December 12
+ Spend a week with the staff of ERM (Evangelical Revival Ministries)
+ Visit the Nyamata Hospital
+ Meet the orphan kids that Emmanuel Kayinamura of ERM is assisting
+ Visit several genocide sights

UGANDA -> Week 7 :::: December 13 - December 19
+ Meet Susan Tabia once more
+ Visit widows that Susan is caring for

And for those of you praying for the team, here are some specifics:

+ Team unity
+ Encouragement and Refreshment for the East African friends we will be visiting
+ Wisdom and Sensitivity as we attempt to enter into different cultures and languages
+ Hearts that are always humble and servant oriented
+ Safety as we travel 3000 kilometers by bus
+ Compassionate ears and hearts that can listen and care


Blogger Jason + Tiff said...

What a great idea, guys, to connect the kids @ Imago with kids & Amazing Grace!! Those pieces of artwork will be precious presents:) And to instill cross-culture friendships in kids is a very powerful thing:) Imagine what could come of this!!...

11:05 PM  

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