Updates from around the worldCamp Eagle, TexasCamp Eagle has teamed up with Lahash this summer to raise awareness for the programs that we are running. Camp Eagle has about 1000 kids coming through and the youth will raise money for a new infant home in Sudan that Susan has been dreaming about.
Florida "Cash for Lahash" garage sale!Kate Goodell from
Relevant Magazine will be raising money with friends down in Florida for the school needs of the kids in Sudan. Kate recently wrote an article on her plans this summer for the sale -
Cash For LahashUganda and SudanMichael Christmas and Chris Westbrook have returned from Uganda! They left just over a month ago for a two week stay at the Amazing Grace Orphanage. While they were there they helped with some teaching, and left a guitar for the kids for music lessons.
Kim Davey (a friend from
Imago Dei) will be traveling to Uganda next week. She'll be living at the
Amazing Grace Orphanage and
St. Bartholomew's Orphanage for 3 weeks each. Kim will be teaching the kids and staff English.
And Becca and Brandi will be traveling to Gulu for the summer - they left from Seattle yesterday. Becca (another writer for Relevant's online magazine) will travel to Amazing Grace to see if she can conduct some interviews. You can follow the two ladies on their journey with the blog:
Unwritten MemoirKenyaPlease pray for
the team in Kenya at the moment. They've had two sudden deaths of close members in the community. Dr. Oronje is still grieving the loss of his daughter, and Josphine (from the Renew Program) lost her nephew who she was taking care of. The team is emotionally and physically exhausted through the illnesses and funerals of the past week.
New YorkTara Suri and her class from New York will be raising funds for the children of St. Bartholomew's! You can check out Tara's website with information on the partnership with St. Bartholomew's here.
Hope InitiativeInterested in Joining Us?There's a lot going on at the moment here at Lahash - thank you to all of you for your support and encouragement and prayers! If anyone would like to get involved on a deeper level, here are some things you can do!
* Join the weekly prayer email (just send an email to
info@lahash.net saying you'd like to be on the prayer email list)
* "Friend" us on your Myspace account - and then add us to your top eight!
* Contact
Dan Holcomb for more information on how you can be a representative in your community, your school, or your church
* Host an event (A garage sale, a dinner, a house party) and raise awareness and funds for a particular project
I hope you all have a wonderful summer day!