Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can you help with Esther Yangi's surgery?

Esther Yangi is a sweet young girl from Sudan who's been living as a Sudanese refugee in Uganda. She's been orphaned and recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Our partner Susan Tabia is taking her to various hospitals around Kampala for further analysis. A couple requests for the Lahash community: First, will you pray for Esther Yangi and her health? Please pray that God will bring healing. If the process is through the Kampala hospital system, pray that the doctors will act with wisdom and insight. Second, we'll need to raise some funds for these visits to the doctor - and if needed eventual treatment. If you'd like to help out you can visit and contribute to the "Esther Yangi Medical Fund". Thank you for your prayers and compassion for our friend.

Esther Yangi - Request to help with Brain Surgery from Lahash International on Vimeo.

In the photo below - Esther is in the back in the light blue shirt.
A portrait of Esther.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ACTS 20:35 PARTY - Host your own!

Gather together and share joy!


Host a Christmas Party for the Lahash kids this December

  1. Invite your friends & family
    Email to let us know you’ll be hosting a party.
    Pick a date to open your home and gather with people you love.
  2. Party with a purpose
    During your December Party:
    Celebrate Christ’s birth
    Share stories of the Lahash kids in East Africa
    Make cards and contribute $20.35 to send to the children
    Enjoy Christmas cookies!
  3. Send back your love
    Gather the cards and contributions, and send them back so that we can share your love and joy with the kids.

    Anyone can host a party!
    Party planning kit coming soon at

Amazing Grace Home Music

Nearly every night at the Amazing Grace Children's Home in northern Uganda the kids spend nearly an hour in worship and prayers to God. It's a very moving tradition that refreshes me each time I visit. Nate Grubbs and I were just there a couple of weeks ago, and Nate ended up recording several nights of worship. You can download the whole set by clicking on this link provided by Nate. (75 MB)
Worship generally takes place in chairs in the courtyard or on the ledges around the tukuls (Sudanese huts). The sky is a startling black - which is strange for most humans who live with the soft warm glow in the sky due to light pollution in most parts of the world. The stars and moon are brilliant against this black sky and the scene can take my breath away.
The kids then begin singing and praying. The worship is often a cappella, but usually includes a steady drum beat on a traditional drum made of goat or cow hide. The prayers are very moving as well, as the kids cover their home, caretakers, Mommy Susan (the home founder), the Lahash staff, and all of their sponsors.

Special thanks to Nate for taking the time to record, adjust, and splice up these special songs from the kids.