Grace and Healing Safari
From June 28 – July 1, 36 children from Grace and Healing Ministries went for a Bible camp and safari to observe God’s wonderful creation. They studied God’s word, focused on God as Creator, developed relationships, learned, and relaxed. They were able to hear that God not only cares for his creation as a whole, but each of us individually, and how all of us are created to fulfill a unique purpose in God's Kingdom.
We asked for your prayers before the trip happened, and we are so overjoyed to hear what God did during this time. Six children were moved to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior after hearing and seeing what Christ has done for His children!
We extend much thanks to the Portland Mennonite Church for providing funds for this trip. Your generosity was truly a blessing in the lives of these children. To see additional photos and read more about the trip, please visit the Grace and Healing Ministries Blog.
Thank you to everyone involved, and the Lord our God, King of all creation!