Friday, May 28, 2010

Project 34.8 - A Blessed Success!

Karin Rosain did it! She not only successfully ran her ultra-marathon, but met her goal to raise enough money to pay for the school fees of 11 children. Not only that, the money stretched further than originally thought:

In addition to school fees for 11 kids, the money also purchased:

  • Tuition for Augustine’s computer training. He’s the secondary student who had to pause his schooling due to losing sight in one eye.
  • Tuition for two additional secondary school kids – Nasande and Jackson – both in Kajo Keji, Sudan (St. Bartholomew’s orphanage)
  • School supplies and uniforms for all the students (including those in primary at Amazing Grace)
  • A water tank for the Kampala orphanage – the first step in a massive project to get safe water on the compound.

Karin was also able to spend much time at Amazing Grace Children's Home, as well as travel to many other places around South Africa. All in all, it was an amazing experience! To read more detailed accounts from Karin, visit her blog.

Karin also brought over a netbook donated to Lupai at Amazing Grace by a family in Illinois.

On May 31st, Lahash will have the honor of hosting a potluck dinner featuring a presentation by Karin. She will share her experience running her ultra-marathon and the rest of her time in South Africa with many stories, photos, and video. Everyone is invited! The dinner starts at 6, and Karin's presentation starts at 7:30. Hope to see you there!