Monday, April 28, 2008

Amazing Grace Field Day!

Rick and Faye Meyer are friends from Portland and Imago Dei Community. They've joined the exciting partnership that the Theisen family has with the Sudanese. Over the past two months Rick and Faye have been loving and caring for the kids at the Amazing Grace. Each week they spend time in discipleship, games, songs, and conversation with the children.

This past week they held a "Field day" at the orphanage. Faye writes, "We made sure to explain that a field day meant games & fun, not returning to the fields for digging as they had already done for two hours before our arrival."
You can see more photos and read more about their day here: Life In Transition


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vibrant Lahash trip Intro

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vibrant 08 Trip Meeting

We had another great team meeting last night with the Vibrant '08 Tanzania team. There are now 8 of us scheduled to travel during the first two weeks of June.
  • Adam McInturf
  • Liz Harrison
  • Lindsay Ross-Hunt
  • Trina Heiderman
  • Leisha Adams
  • Kam Dill
  • Erin Holcomb
  • Dan Holcomb
Watch for more updates and events from this team in the upcoming month! And here are some photos so far of our team preparing for travel.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Odds and Ends...

Stephen Alvarez is a photographer who has visited the partnerships in Uganda and Sudan. His beautiful work has appeared in National Geographic and Time. He recently started a blog called Picture Story Blog to give background info on some of his favorite photos. One of the orphans at Amazing Grace, Morris Taban, is in one of his photos this week.

So the United States Government rebate checks are heading into mailboxes soon, and a local Northwest organization is urging people to use the money to donate to organizations assisting vulnerable people around the world. Lahash is partnered with RISE08 to spread the news!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Trout Lake Retreat 2008

Some of the Portland Lahash team made a trip up to Trout Lake, Washington this past week for a planning retreat. We enjoyed caving and a hike through the snow interspersed in our identity and planning session. Photos are below:

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Lahash in the News

Dax Mitchell and Cornerstone Church in Houston were in the news for the partnership with Tenderfeet. Houston Chronicle

And Kate Goodell and her 5th grade students in Colorado were in the news for partnering to help victims of the Kenyan election violence. Aurora Schools