Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mother & Child
It's snowing in some parts of Portland, Oregon today. Soft white flakes drifting down announcing the coming of the Christmas tradition. During these days we mark the birth of the Christ child - the Messiah - the one who was announced in the scriptures long ago. And we remember the story of this mother, scared, pregnant, facing stigma, and wondering what her future would hold.
Recently another mother gave birth to a child. She was also scared, pregnant, facing stigma, and wondering what her future would hold. She is Grace Mukami, the most recent friend in the care of Nick and Dr. Oronje in Eldoret Kenya. She is HIV positive, and her husband abandoned her. She has two other children, and was so desperate that she attempted an abortion. The team in Eldoret reached out to her in her time of desperation, and recently Mukami gave birth to a little girl. A beautiful child with a fresh start in life.
Sadly the baby came into a terrible environment. Mukami can't breastfeed because of the HIV virus. This poor woman was sleeping on the floor on a dusty mat - no food, no milk, no mattress, no diapers. With the help from a generous friend in Texas, SCF purchased the needed goods. Nick brought in a new mat, a mattress, milk for the baby to last through December, and cleaned up the floor. He's taken in the two daughters of Mukami while she takes care of the new baby. Thanks to you friends a life is saved. Thanks to God for fresh starts and a worldwide body that in concerned with the needs of the vulnerable and suffering. God comes in the shape of the stranger, the naked, the hungry, and the sick. And we see him and love him - because he had grace on us first.


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