Monday, November 13, 2006

Orphans and the Good Samaritans
Nick and Dr. Oronje are busy right now with Renew plans and with the care of the AIDS community. The other day they were walking to work and they stumbled upon the body of a man. Most of the people passing thought that the man was already dead, and weren't stopping to help out. Nick and the Doctor stopped to take a look.

They discovered that the man was sick and his family lived in another region of the country. He decided to crawl out on the road so that when he died people could find his body and bury him. The team in Kenya began talking to him and soon a crowd surrounded him to talk.

The photo on the top is of Nick and a neighbor girl whose mother is about to give birth (and is HIV positive). He and the family have been taking care of her in the meantime.


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