Wednesday, December 03, 2008

In Kampala One Last Time

Just wanted to drop a quick note that we had a great, uneventful return to Kampala. (Not entirely uneventful for Jeremy who sat next to a man who was transferring from one hospital to another, IV still in his arm, spasming from pain every few minutes.)

After three weeks of bathing from basins of chilly borehole water, no electricity most of the time, and no running water or toilets, we shocked ourselves at how posh it seems here in Kampala! One of our team members (who shall remain nameless) had to stare at the toilet for a minute before remembering how to use it! We got to watch a movie last night on my laptop, and slept the whole night without the hum of hordes of mosquitoes hovering around the edges of our nets. What luxury!

Just like in the States, it is cold and flu season here in East Africa, and Lexie and I both have the bug. Right now we both sound like career smokers going through puberty, so the ladies here boiled us some hot water for bathing last night. I had to stop and last hot shower was on October 13th, and I'd forgotten how amazing it feels. As Edwin mentioned, we celebrated Thanksgiving last week, and it was good practice for how grateful I feel today.

After the "American" Thanksgiving celebration, we put together a Thanksgiving party for the kids on Saturday. They had just finished their final exams for school the day before, so it was great timing to talk about being thankful for God's blessings. The cooks put together a great feast, roughly based on traditional Thanksgiving foods. We had chicken and beef, mashed irish potatoes and fried sweet potatoes, home-made bread, greens, tomato salad, and sodas. Our friend Jaclyn took a photo of the boys afterward, all standing in profile with their stomachs sticking out from so much food. It looked fake, like they were just sticking out their bellies, but I promise you they weren't! Each of them looked like they had a beach ball stuck under their shirt. Then they worked off all the food with singing and dancing, then a game of football. It was such an amazing Thanksgiving celebration, and I felt so privileged to share it with them.

Please be praying for a few things for us:
* We're leaving for the States on Sunday evening, and have some few final things to do before we go, not to mention a lot of goodbyes.
* Lexie and I are sick. It hasn't been affecting our ability to get around, but we're trying not to get anyone else sick either. Please pray for healing for us.
* It's the Christmas holidays now, and IWASSRU is hosting a Child Evangelism Training at St. Bartholomew's this coming weekend in conjunction with Christian Horizons, a sponsorship organization in Canada. Pray that this will be an impacting time for the kids.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


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