Monday, August 13, 2007

Solar Power in Sudan

The donations for the solar panels have enabled Susan, Edwin, and the team to purchase the array pictured below. It is installed on the new infant home at the St. Bartholomew orphanage. The photo to the left is the lighting system hooked up in the new home. Edwin reports, "The infants home is complete, the beddings are yet to be brought from Kampala and very soon the infants will be admitted to the home. "The construction has been moving forward rapidly with the roofing structure of the boys dorm now in place (see below). Edwin writes, "The team is doing fine and healthy. A lot has been going on ever since the team arrived. Susan is so glad to have the team around, they are a blessing to her and she appreciates this all the time. St Bartholomew's is growing when it comes to the buildings and the children are also increasing in number. The boys dormitory is now on the roofing level thanks to the Fritz family for the support."
"It's amazing to see how the Lord can use the young generation in serving him wholeheartedly, and this is what has been going on ever since the first team was here and same to this team. Caleb and Ashley are doing a great job in child sponsorship of all the orphanages. Liz has been making sure that all the kids including the workers are healthy by attending to them giving out medicines, dressing wounds, and teaching the older kids to do the same. Today we are taking the young ones to the hospital for HIV test and some few checkups.
Jonathan has been helping me out on fixing the solar panels and at the moment that is done. In the next couple of days we will be visiting the community and the leper colony and some few projects to be done before we leave for Kampala."


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