Monday, June 12, 2006

Kenya News
I got a call while I was in church the other day - from the team in Kenya. Jo French was calling to say hi, and she was traveling with Dr. Oronje and Nick up to Eldoret for a few days. The three were just returning from a couple days in the capital city of Nairobi, where they were paying a visit to Margaret and the orphan school in Kibera. The photos below are from Nick and the ambulance car carrying a lame girl to the doctor's clinic in Munyaka.

Word from Susan
Susan and the Amazing Grace team continue to host Michael and Chris. Please pray that these couple of weeks will go well, and that the visitors and kids will really bond. Recently I've been assisting Kim Davey with her plans of traveling to Uganda and Sudan. She'll be spending three weeks at each orphanage, and taking a trunk of school supplies from high school students in the Portland, Oregon area. Susan wrote recently to express her gratitude at the visitors to the orphanages.

"I always ask God to send visitors who would show GOD's love and Glory to these children, widows and the disabled. As Africans, orphans, widows and the disabled are mostly regarded as useless or unworthy to live normal life.

When we started the tiny orphanage in 1994 in Oliji refugees camp life was more like the Israelite's being in the deseret. Children sometimes drink half cooked porridge just because we do not have money for food and fire wood. Sometimes they just pass a day eating roasted birds and rats that were hunted by the older children in the bush or forest. I prostrated myself many times weeping before the Lord asking Him to rescue the children from hunger and nakedness.

Today, I am the proudest happiest mum because of the way our Mighty God is responding to our prayers. He has enriched the once useless poor children with the necessary basic needs as well as enriching them with many visitors from far countries. It seems God loves us more. Praise Him."

Thanks for the computer!
On Thursday I returned home after a walk and found a houseful of friends and family and the gift of a new computer! They all scraped together their earnings to meet the need that came up - and I'm blown away by the kindness and support. Thank you to all of you for your generosity. I hope to catch up now with some of the video and DVD work that was slipping behind.


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