Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dodoma Child Sponsorship Program Update
Jo French just sent me the profiles and pictures of the kids that Lahash is going to welcome into the Sponsorship program. I'm pretty excited about this. The details are that people here in the U.S. can support these kids for $9 per month. There are 20 kids in the program right now. The $9 heads straight over to Dodoma Tanzania where the Mennonite Church there has created a full program that mirrors the Compassion Project there. The difference is that these kids are often orphans or children living with relatives or grandparents who are struggling to provide for them and don't qualify for the general Compassion fund. So we've partnered with the church there to enable more of these kids to be sponsored. The really great thing is that the church there has also found Tanzanians that will match the contributions from Lahash. So it is a partnership that includes the Tanzanian community.

Here's a photo of Jastine, with the profile information as well.

Kenya Kibera Update
Nick and I just talked on the phone today. He was on the road heading back from Kibera where he met with Mama Margaret of the Kibera AIDS Orphan school. He was asked by her to take pictures of the kids with his digital camera, and I asked him to prepare a report on the work there. Thanks to everyone that has helped with this project.

New Video Coming out soon
I've been working on a new video overview of Lahash and what we do. It's turned out really great, and I'm fixing some music issues and then I'll have it posted on the web. It's about 6 minutes, and has lots of footage from our recent trip.


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