Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why Sustainability?

We have been talking much on sustainability and realized how important it is in our daily lives.
Food production is the main source of survival and education in most orphanages in Africa.
Children are the most vulnerable part of society and victimized by the problems of famine, drought, poverty and disease.The children at the IWASSRU are able to work at the farms with the help of the workers who teach them through farming to be self reliant. The younger ones are not able to go to the farms. By doing this the older get to know that they need to take care of the younger ones. The food that they get can also be an income generating by allowing them to get skills needed to improve not only their quality of life but also make them self-reliant
The children and one of the workers planting.
The cow below was donated to the Saviour's home by one of there friends. This cow is meant to produce milk for the children and at the same time sell the milk for income. This will help them to be self-reliant. They may use the money to pay rent, buy other food products. This is a great way of sustaining themselves. The cow does not produce milk at the moment until it has a calf.


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